Gujarat State Tribal Education Society (GSTES) Recruitment-2017 @ Eklavya School 475 Principal-Teacher

Gujarat State Tribal Education Society (GSTES) Recruitment-2017 @ Eklavya School 475 Principal-Teacher

Gujarat State Tribal Education Society (GSTES) Recruitment-2017 @ Eklavya School 475 Principal-Teacher
About Gujarat State Tribal Education Society
Gujarat State Tribal Education Society (GSTES) or EMRS Society came into existence on 3rd January, 2000 as an autonomous society by Tribal Development Department, Government of Gujarat registered under The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 vide Registration No. F/676/Gandhinagar. The name of GSTDREIS has changed to 'Gujarat State Tribal Education Society' (GSTES) since 11-Feb-2015. GSTES is formed for establishing, maintaining, controlling and managing good quality schools for talented and meritorious ST students. The society is currently running three types of schools called Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS), Low Literacy Girls’ Residential School (LLGRS) and Model Schools (MS) across the state. Presently altogether 85 schools are being managed by the society out of which 22 are EMRS, 2 approved under VKY of GOG functioning under EMRS pattern, 5 Ashram Shala functioning under EMRS pattern 43 are LLGRS, 12 are MS and 1 Sainik School.

Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)
"A Child without education, is like a bird without wings"
       GSTES, Gandhinagar has setup 30 EMRS to provide quality education for the holistic development of the tribal children. GoG has also taken initiative to run few EMRS on a PPP model with well known Trusts involved in education of indigenous people. The medium of instruction of these schools is either Gujarati or English and are generally affiliated to Gujarat Education Board. To provide more competitive environment at the national level.

Organization Name : Gujarat State Tribal Education Society (GSTES)

Name of Posts : Various Posts

Total Post : 475

High Secondary
Principal : 15
Teacher : 89

Principal : 61
Teacher : 219
Upper Primari Teacher : 91

Notification : Click Here

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